Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Welcome to EDU 8150 Technology for Educators!

Hello everyone and welcome to EDU 8150 Technology for Educators! We begin Monday, June 23 at 3:00 PM in Dunham Hall, room 019 computer lab. This is the first time we have held class in the evening. We’ll finish each evening at 8:30 (6:30 on Friday, June 27).

The class Moodle site, EDU8150U10214SU, is up. You will find the course syllabus on the Moodle site at the top.

The books you will need are:

Jacobs, H. H. (Ed.). (2010) Curriculum 21: Essential education for a changing world. Alexandria, VA: ASCD. ISBN: 978-1416609407

Pitler, H., Hubbekk, E. R. & Kuhn, M. (2012). Using technology with classroom instruction that works (2nd ed.). Alexandria, VA: ASCD. ISBN: 978-14166-1430-2 (Note this is the 2nd edition.)

We will look at the National Technology plan, Transforming American Education: Learning Powered by Technology – don’t purchase a copy as it is available as a pdf on the Moodle site.

It will be helpful if you have read the Introduction and Chapter 1 in Using Technology with Classroom Instruction That Works before the first class meeting. You may want to take an early peak at Assignment one. Instructions are on the Moodle site in the June 25 section.

I look forward to seeing you on June 23. Let me know if you have any questions
or concerns.



  1. It has been a while since I blogged. The blogging section of the class was my favorite! I like Twitter more because I find so many resources there. As a blogger. I am putting things out there. I like to hear from others. But, blogging is fun.

  2. The Kennedy Art Gallery was probably my favorite tool for the day. My classroom is decorated with mostly student work. I love it. I strongly believe in recognition. My students are always surprised when I decorate my class with student work. Thank You Dennis for the great resources!
